141 Business Park DriveAlbertville, AL 35951
(256) 849-0055
(256) 279-5755
Monday - Friday: 8:00AM - 4:00PM(closed 12PM-1PM)
It is time to take charge of your health! Childhood is a time of accelerated growth and change. At Compass Pediatrics, we help your family stay on track and ensure we are checking your child’s growth and development in order to find or prevent problems from occurring.
It is common in our general well-child visits to check your child’s height, weight, and other important information regarding growth. Hearing, vision, and other screening tests will be part of some visits. This makes for a great opportunity for you to ask questions as a parent and for our pediatricians at Compass Pediatrics to make recommendations and talk about ways to improve care and prevent problems to keep your child healthy!
The frequency at which you visit our office for child wellness is age-specific. Please contact Compass Pediatrics to learn more about our recommended schedule.